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How can I set a password on my Team Website so that only certain people can view the site?

To set the Guest password for your Team Website, go to your Team Website and press the Login button on the left. Enter your Admin password and then press the Login button under the password entry box. The Admin password can be found in the Options screen in iScore on your mobile device under the Admin Website item.

After logging in, press the Settings button on the left side of your Team Website. On the right side of the Settings screen there will be a section called Passwords. Next to "Guest" in that section, enter a password that is different from your Admin password. The password that you enter is the password that you will give to the people that you want to be able to access your Team Website. Above the Passwords section is a section that says "Require guest login to". Put a checkmark next to any page that you want to protect. If the page is unchecked, then anyone can see it. If the page is checked, only people with the Guest password will be able to view it. Press Save at the bottom of the Settings screeen when you are finished making your changes.
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