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To view a completed Scorebook (2004 ALCS Game 7),
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Play DescriptionScorebook Box Picture / Details
Typical batter making an out.

Strike boxes will be white for strike looking, yellow for foul balls, and red for swinging strikes.
Typical batter getting a hit and going on to score

Ways for Batter to make an out

Out TypeScorebook BoxAdditional Comments
Strikeout LookingCount was full, 3rd out of inning
Strikeout SwingingCount full, swinging strikeout, 2nd out of inning
Fly OutFly out to left field, 1st out of inning
Ground OutGround out to shortstop, 1-0 count, 2nd out of inning
Unassisted Ground OutUnassisted ground out to first baseman, ending the inning
Double PlayBatter hit into a 1-6-3 double play (DP1-6-3)
Triple PlayBatter hit into a triple play. In this case, a line drive to short stop, he stepped on bag at second and threw to first.
Line Drive OutLine drive out to shortstop (just shows position number). First out of inning.
Infield Fly RuleInfield Fly Rule. Second out of inning.
Bunt OutBatter tried for a bunt base hit, but was thrown out by catcher to first base (2-3).
Sacrifice FlySacrifice fly to center field. One RBI (blue dot), 2nd out of inning. Three foul balls during at bat - really worked for it.
Sacrifice BuntSacrifice bunt to advance a runner. First out of inning.
Skipped Batter, OutSkipped Batter, Out. Second out of inning.

Ways for Runner to make an out

Out TypeScorebook BoxAdditional Comments
Forced OutAfter hitting a single, player was forced out on way to second base while batter #1 was up (FO1) for the third out of the inning.
Picked OffBatter walked, then was picked off at first base (PO1-3) for first out of inning.
Caught StealingBatter hit a single, then was caught stealing second while batter #6 was up (CS6).
Fielder's ChoiceRunner thrown out on way to second on a fielders choice (FC4-6)
Runner Left Base EarlyBatter hit a triple. Then Left Base Early when batter #1 hit a fly ball (LBE1) and he was trying to tag up to score.
Runner Left Base PathBatter got a single, but then Left the Base Path when batter #3 (LBP3) hit the ball and was called out.

Ways for Batter to make it to base safely

Made it HowScorebook BoxAdditional Comments
WalkBatter was walked indicated by BB on first baseline, advanced to second by batter #5. Pitcher was changed right after at bat denoted by purple line under box
Intentional WalkBatter was intentionally walked (IBB). Went on to score when batter #9 hit a home run.
SingleBatter hit single designated by 1B on first base line. Subsequently forced out at second while batter #1 was up (FO1) making the 3rd out of the inning
DoubleBatter hit double designated by 2B on second base line. Went on to score while batter #5 was at bat (AB5). Pitcher had just been changed (purple line above batter).
TripleBatter hit a triple (3B). Made an out later for Leaving Base Early.
HomerunGrand slam home run. 4 dots mean 4 RBI, purple line means pitcher had just been changed, dark filled in field and HR means home run
In Park HomerunIn the park homerun (HR). Note hit location is still in field. Two RBI.
Bunt SingleBunt single (BT on first base line). Player moved around the bases on batter #2, #3, and #4 at bats.
Hit by PitchBatter hit by pitch (HBP on first base line). Player went on to steal second while first batter was up (SB1) and wound up scoring on first batter's hit (AB1).
Wild Pitch 3rd StrikeBatter made it to first base on a 3rd strike wild pitch (D3WP).
Dropped 3rd StrikeBatter made it to first on a dropped 3rd strike pass pall (D3PB).
Fielder's Choice  Batter made it to first on Fielder's Choice (FC on first base path). There will be another box showing the runner that got out on the Fielder's Choice (2nd image). Player advanced to second on Defensive Indifference (DI).
Ground Rule DoubleBatter hit a Ground Rule Double (GRD).

Ways for Runner to advance bases

Advanced HowScorebook BoxAdditional Comments
Advanced by BatterBatter walked, then was Advanced by Batter #5 in the lineup (AB5)
Defensive IndifferenceRunner made it to base on a Fielder's Choice, then advanced to 2nd on Defensive Indifference.


Batter did not bat in inningGray box means batter did not make a plate appearance in that inning.
Pitcher ChangePitcher change is indicated by horizontal purple bar before batter that new pitcher pitched to.
End of InningRed diagonal line shows end of half inning
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